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Wednesday 31 January 2007
7 days more to end of SIP!!!
7 more days til SIP ends!!!

Okie, the countdown is getting closer! Just 7 more days & I can finally finish this! Then that's it! The last hurdle in my poly life passed! Woohoo~~~^_^
So glad I can finally see the end of this! At first I thought it would take me FOREVER to survive this 4 months in DBS! But now, only left 7 days more & I'm home free! Haha!
I was at TM after work on Mon when I saw all these sec sch girls crowding the entire 4th floor, I didn't know what the hell was going on! Just that they were all blocking my way! Heez...
Then later Mummy told me Ella from S.H.E was there signing autographs. But I thought if it's just Ella, why are there GIRLS ONLY? Surely S.H.E has some male fans, no? I figured it out today when I read today's Life, seems like that 吳尊 from 飛輪海 was there as well! No wonder all girls down there that day lah!
Oh yeah, Ms Liu was telling me the other day that 花樣少年少女 would be showing on Ch U from 15 Feb onwards DAILY! However are they gonna do that?!?! Taiwan only up to ep 11 now only lor! If Ch U shows daily, in 3 weeks time, it'll be faster than Taiwan le lor! Then there's no more exclusivity!!! I dun want THAT to happen!!! Ugh...stupid Ch U! Why must they show it so soon?!?! >_< Humph!!!
wany ♥ 9:39 pm
Thursday 25 January 2007
NAPFA was tiring!!!
Phew~~I finally completed NAPFA!!! ^_^
Ytd, me & Lindy went back to sch to participate in NAPFA. Ugh...if not for the fact that it was compulsory, we wouldn't go lor!
I sprained my ankle while doing the shuttle run! >_< Guess I'm really too old liao! Not enough exercise! Ankle hurts like hell man! But it was better this afternoon after I took some painkillers!
Though both of us ended NAPFA with aching legs & arms, at least we finally got pass the 2nd last hurdle in our poly life (last hurdle being our SIP)! So we celebrated this by taking afew pics of ourselves after our NAPFA torture!

Me with my number tag

Lindy with her number tag

Our numbers written on our arms...@_@ We felt like prisoners!

On another note, Jiaqi, Lindy & I went for a interview today at IRAS. The interview was kinda nervewrecking for me, they asked some chim chim questions which I couldn't really answer. Did the best I could though! Sure hope IRAS will hire all 3 of us, so we can work together in future! Hehe! ^_^
wany ♥ 8:55 pm
Sunday 14 January 2007
20 days more to end of SIP!!!
20 days more to end of SIP!!!

I went out for K-session after work on Thur with Jiaqi & Lyn. Haha! We had good fun singing all the new songs we haven't sing yet! Haven't been to K for a long, long time liao! ^_^
To my 2 Ls: Thanks for enduring my rants about you-know-who! I know I seem very complaining at times, so thank you very much for enduring them! ^.^
Took 1/2 day leave on Fri to attend the TP Career Fair. We didn't even attend any talks, just scan our matric cards, took alot of brochures then go off liao! Hehe! Went to IT sch canteen to have Lyn's beloved yong tau foo. Since it's like the last time we'll be eating there, I also ate that! For the record, I don't condemn yong tau foo, just the cheating hawkers who sell it! They always seem to charge more than you think you have taken! Bah!
Something happened on Fri which kinda ruined my mood. Some people have absolutely no positive working attitude at all! Seriously, if this one selfish person's actions is gonna spoil my appraisal, I'm gonna chop up the person into pieces & feed to the dogs! ARRUGH!!!
Enough about this loser! Onto happier topics!
I realized there are alot of movies I MUST watch in 2007! I gotta say, 2007 seems to be packed to the brim with lotsa great movies!
Here's a couple of movies I'll be watching for sure:
1. Ninja Turtles
2. Shrek 3
3. The Simpsons
4. Harry Potter & The Order of The Phoenix
Hee! So happy~~~I loved Ninja Turtles & Simpsons as a child, so I'll defnitely be watching their big screen adaptions!
wany ♥ 10:30 pm
Sunday 7 January 2007
25 days more to end of SIP!!!
25 days more to end of SIP!!!

Happy happy happy~~~I can't believe how time passes by so quickly! When SIP ends, then Chinese New Year will be next! Celebration time!!! ^_^
Went shopping with Mummy this weekend, but what a big disappointment! All the nice CNY clothes are not out yet! All the shops are having post-Christmas sale now so it's all the Christmasy type of clothes in the stores now. Ugh...think next week then will all the CNY new clothes be out ba! Shall have to go shopping again next weekend!


Watched 傷城 on Thur after work with Lindy. Originally, I wanted to see my handsome 金城武 and Lindy, 梁朝偉. But in the end, we switched positions! I went gaga for 梁朝偉 and Lindy was smitten by 金城武. Btw, 梁朝偉 looks so good in the movie with spectables! ^_^
The movie is quite good, I'm giving it 4/5 stars! The plot is kinda predictable, you know who's the villain early in the movie & can guess his motive easily. But I'm giving it 1 star more for the 2 handsome male leads! Both of them so can?
Oh btw, since 金城武 is taken by me and 梁朝偉 by Lindy, we left 杜汶澤 for Ms Liu! Hehe! =P Cos she said she didn't like neither 金城武 nor 梁朝偉 so we decided to give her 杜汶澤. See, Ms Liu? We are so good to you! We gave you the 3rd leading man in 傷城! Haha!

Moi handsome 金城武...

Lindy's 梁朝偉...

and finally, Ms Liu's 杜汶澤!!!

wany ♥ 11:52 pm
Tuesday 2 January 2007
Happy New Year 2007!!!
Happy New Year everyone!!!
hee...it's been wonderful this looooong weekend hols! Spent my time lazing around by watching tv & reading my manga! Generally been a lazy bum at home most of the time!
Work resumes tmr & I must say, I'm not really in the mood for it. Been slacking too long le! =P Luckily, my supervisor is on long leave for 2 weeks starting tmr! Even though she might be sending me work through email, but generally, I guess I can slack abit, no? No doubt, the VP in my dept might be keeping an eye on me, but she seems so busy most of the time, so I guess I'm home free! =D
Btw, my auntie lent me this HK serial called 肥田喜事 & I managed to finish all 21 episodes of it in 2 days, on Sat & Sun! Woohoo~~~so proud of myself! Haha! ^_^ It's a really funny serial! Storyline is kinda like the Korean drama, 我叫金三順. It's about this plump girl who overcomes the odds to find her one true love, despite alot of people despising her bcos of her size. But in all, it's a comedy with lots of day dreaming sequences on the girl's part. Hehe! Go rent it to watch if there's a chance!
Spent my New Year Day at Vivo with my parents. I can only say the whole place is madness man! Squeezed with people everywhere! We couldn't even find a good place for dinner! Wanted to go that 黑社會 Chinese restaurant but was told dim sum ended at 5! Boo! Plus, the lady at the entrance wasn't too friendly. She looked very "sha chen", as my Mummy said in Cantonese. Then we wanted Marche, but it wasn't even open yet! So in the end, we ended up at Hans in Harbourfront Centre.
Didn't get much shopping done ytd since we spent most of the time navigating around the huge crowds of people in Vivo. I went to the new PageOne though & it's really very big & nice! Might just be my new favourite bookshop if not for the fact that they don't sell manga! Hee! I like their shopping bag, a nice green paper bag! I just adore pretty shopping bags! ^_~
姐姐 is coming back tmr & I can't wait! It feels like she's been gone for so long! I hope her pressies are better this time around! ^_^
wany ♥ 10:38 pm
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